Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tonsil progress

Well, I would thank Jesus for the speedy recovery of my wife. She's back to her normal self by the way she shout orders to the boys. Still not hundred percent fit but can do one.

Hopefully she'll recover fully before Tuesday...for me I'm going outstation again on Thursday to the interior of Sabah (Paitan and Pitas) to do some building inspection. If I manage to take some nice photos, I post it here...who knows these scenic beauty might disappear if no action taken to preserve and conserve it...I mean the rainforest of Sabah.

I always thought the way to survival is base on how much greenery you have surrounding you. The less it is, the more expose we are to the harmful rays of the sun...too much of sun is not good to your skin and well-being...

Yesterday, after reading a chapter in National Geography about dinosaurs, I began to ponder as to why they became extinct...

I reflect back to what is happening to our mother earth and I've come to the conclusion that all these extinct animals disappear because of disease...

Yes, I think disease wiped them out of this planet. There are other factors that contribute to their extinction but disease is the main one. Just imagine if a viral disease infected one of them and it is spread through air...well there are lots of example at the might recall the Ebola disease and the latest, bird flu...

Thank goodness that we have scientists, researchers and doctors who put effort to produce vaccine...otherwise I believe we'd all have disappear from the face of this earth.

If there was doctors during the dino age then think would have been different but I can't imagine T-Rex asking other dino of their condition and then it(T-Rex) gave out medication only to see them later and gobble them up...
So there you are...if we live a healthy life, protect our environment and be responsible to our daily wastage...then we would survive on and on...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

kongko nootungan do meteorite the size of texas ih?